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Wildflour Vegan Bakery & Juice Bar
Food Venue - Restaurant
0 reviews
727 East Avenue
Providence, RI
United States 
401 475 4718
The purpose of Wildflour is to serve the most delicious, healthful baked goods, fresh juices and living foods in order to have a profound positive impact on the health of our community. We strive to be a resource of information and to expand the experience of healthy living through healthy eating. MORE>>>
Wild Orchard Baking Company
Food Venue - Specialty Store
0 reviews
1 Washington Street
Dover, NH
United States 03820
(603) 964-2253
Many vegetarian options available daily. Vegan cakes & cupcakes are available by order. Can also do amazing vegan wedding cakes. Gluten free, dairy free, egg free - but no nut free.  MORE>>>
Wild Iris Inn
Lodging - B&B
0 reviews
273 State Street
Portland, ME
United States 04101
The Wild Iris Inn is committed to environmental improvements to help protect the Earth while pledging that our green lodging will provide our guests the quality of service they expect and deserve! In our efforts to become a green business, we have been making improvements to better serve you and ..... MORE>>>
0 reviews
Munnar Kerala
India 68556
91 4864 218232
As the mist falls in Munnar and engulfs the carpet of Tea Plantations,waterfalls and mountains it muffles all other sounds and Peace and Tranquility descends upon this lush green landscape surrounding Wild Elephant Eco-Friendly Resort. ..... MORE>>>
Whole Foods Market
Food Venue - Specialty Store
0 reviews
5815 Wyoming Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM
United States 
Grocery store chain specializing in natural and organic foods. Whole Foods has a wide array of vegetarian and vegan food. They also have a bakery that makes a variety of vegan desserts. Their deli offers organic salads, vegetarian and vegan entrĂ©es, daily soups, a salad bar, and a warm food bar...... MORE>>>
Whole Foods Market
Food Venue - Specialty Store
0 reviews
1330 Smith Avenue
Baltimore, MD
United States 21209
Whole Foods is a well-known national food store that is famous for using no trans-fats in any of its products. It has a wide selection of vegetarian, vegan, and organic food...... MORE>>>
Whole Foods
Food Venue - Specialty Store
0 reviews
1131 Wilmington Ave
Salt Lake City, UT
United States 84106
In January of 2006, we made our first landmark purchase of renewable energy credits from wind farms to offset 100% of the electricity used in all of our stores and other facilities in the United States and Canada. This green action and others earned us the Environmental Protection Agency Green Power..... MORE>>>
Whole Earth Center
Food Venue - Grocery Store
0 reviews
360 Nassau St.
Princeton, NJ
United States 08540
The Whole Earth Center is a community-based natural foods store. Founded by a group of local environmental activists, the store was started with two goals: to provide a place where Princeton-area residents can buy environmentally friendly foods and household products and to generate money to fund en..... MORE>>>
Whitepod Eco Resort
Lodging - Resort
0 reviews
Route des Cerniers
+41 24 471 38 38
Whitepod offers a highly exclusive Alpine experience. A hi-tech eco camp for just 30 guests situated over 1700m high in the Swiss Alps, offering the ultimate in luxury and adventure...... MORE>>>
White Bay Villas
Lodging - Hotel
3 reviews
White Bay Villas
Jost Van Dyke
Virgin Islands UK 
The White Bay Villas are a good option for those who would like to experience the British Virgin Islands but away from a resort while still having a variety of amenities available. Accommodation comes in the form of cottages or small villas that provide a beautiful view of clear Caribbean waters, an..... MORE>>>