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Corcovado Rainforest Ocean View Tree House
Based on 0 ratings
Lodging - Inn
PO Box 28
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica,
Originally submitted by PatrickO85
2009-12-27 15:41:02
Last edited by PatrickO85
2009-12-27 03:12:02
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This place truly is a tree house. Not just a small one maybe 20 feet or so off of the ground. No, this structure is a truly incredible actual house high up in a giant rain forest tree! Situated in a private reserve on the Osa Peninsula near Corcovado National Park, guests staying in this amazing inn will get the unique chance to be just about as up close and personal as they would ever want to get with the wild monkeys, toucans, trogons, and other creatures that also call the giant tree home.
They won't be able to get into your accommodations, though, because it's screened. If you have always wanted to imagine what it would be like to live like an Ewok or Wookie, staying here could fulfill that lifetime dream.
Year Round
Special Features
Green Features
  • Eco-friendly Construction Materials
Activity Types
  • Bird Watching
  • For Children
  • Hiking
  • Wildlife Viewing
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