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The Harmony Hotel Nosara
Based on 0 ratings
Lodging - Hotel
Harmony Hotel
Nosara, Costa Rica,
(506) 2682-4114
Originally submitted by PatrickO85
2009-12-28 09:42:04
Last edited by PatrickO85
2009-12-28 09:12:04
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The Harmony Hotel at Nosara was founded on love- the owners shared a love for the peaceful beauty of the Pacific coast and tropical dry forest of northwestern Costa Rica, and a deep connection and love for each other. It appears that they attempt to maintain this vibe at the hotel with a wellness, healing center and spa services. In addition to keeping the love theme going by promoting the place for honeymooners, surfing is also a strong point of the hotel and the Nosara area in general. They
also have a small store with a good variety of books available and an incredibly beautiful swimming pool.
Year Round
Special Features
  • Swimming Pool
  • WiFi
  • Spa Services
Green Features
Activity Types
  • Surfing
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