Bistro Pastis
Product or Service - Event Space
578 - 999 Canada Place
Vancouver, Canada,
(604) 215-0303
Originally submitted by NoraN47
2010-02-21 18:59:07
Last edited by NoraN47
2010-02-21 06:02:07
Map Can't be loaded due to invalid address

The Green Table Network is a group of restaurants and other businesses that have made a commitment to adapting green and sustainable business practices. Restaurants and affiliated businesses interested in becoming part of the Green Table Network submit an application; membership signifies a commitment to reduced waste and increased recycling, efficient energy use, water conversation, and more.
The Green Table Network is a group of restaurants and other businesses that have made a commitment to adapting green and sustainable business practices. Restaurants and affiliated businesses interested in becoming part of the Green Table Network submit an application; membership signifies a commitment to reduced waste and increased recycling, efficient energy use, water conversation, and more.
Year Round
Year Round
Special Features
Green Features
Activity Types