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Gilcrease Nature Sanctuary and Orchard
Based on 0 ratings
Nature - Nature Reserve
8103 Racel Street
Las Vegas, NV, United States, NV 89
Originally submitted by SuperGreen365-Admin2146
2014-05-24 14:48:28
Last edited by SuperGreen365-Admin2146
2014-05-24 14:55:54
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The sanctuary spans approximately four acres and features birds of many species, including quail, ducks, ostriches, and parrots, plus various animals including turtles, goats and burros, which afford petting opportunities for children (and grown-ups!) The orchard is open to the public to pick-your-own from June through October, Tues-Sun, 7 a.m.-noon. It spans over 50 acres, with more than 6,000 apple, pear, and peach trees. In the summer a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, pumpkin,
cucumber, and squash are grown.
Year Round
Sun: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Mon: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Tue: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Wed: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Thu: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Fri: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
Sat: 9:00 a m - 4:00pm
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  • Ecotourism Location
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